
ABC Groups

ABC Amsterdam

ABC Berlin

ABC Bristol

ABC Brighton

ABC Cardiff

ABC Leeds

ABC London

ABC Mexico

ABC Moscow

ABC Stockholm

ABC Toronto

ACK/ABC Bialystok

ABC Bloomington, Indiana

ABC Boston

ABC Denver

ABC Federation (USA)

ABC Guelph

ABC Helsinki

ABC Louisville

ABC Nancy

ABC New York

ABC Nijmegen

ABC Nottingham

ABC Portland

ABC Salt Lake City

ABC South Brooklyn, New York

Creu Negra Duatlética

ABC Bay Area

ABC Belarus

CNA Bifurcación Bogotá


ABC Cleveland

ABC Dijon-Marseille

ABC Denmark

ABC Los Angeles

CNA Medellin

CNA Mediterráneo-Sur

ABC/CNA México

ABC Norway

CNA Perú

ABC Peterborough

ACK Poznan

ABC Tactical Defense Caucus



325 – anti-prison anarchist collective

Autonomes Knastprojekt Köln

Coordinacion Anticarcelaria del rio de la Plata – south american anti-prison page

Ecoprisoners – north american earth liberation prisoners support network

Fire to the Prisons

Freiheit für die Münchner HausbesetzerInnen

Gefangenen Info

No Prison No State

Political Prisoners – network for the freedom of all political prisoners

Prison Activist Resource Center

Spirit of Freedom – earth liberation prisoners support network

Support the Tarnac 9



Blackout Blog – anarchist Blog

Anarchistisches Radio – every sunday at 8pm

Antirep – solidarity with the animal rights activists

Ernst Kirchweger Haus

Infomaden – the ekh’ s infoshop



A Corps Perdu – international anarchist magasin

A Robbery in Greece

Act for Freedom – greece infos

After the Greek Riots

An die Waisen des Existierenden – anarchist infos from switzerland

Direct Action News from Germany

Elephant Editions – verlags- und vertriebsprojekt anarchistischer texte

Greece Riots

No 2010 – no vancouver 2010 winter olympics on stolen native land

Tears and Anger – neues aus dem sozialen krieg in griechenland

Unruhen – anarchistische beiträge zum sozialen krieg

Zine Library – over thousand anarchist phamplets

Bite Back – animal liberation direct action infos

Einstellungsbündnis – infos zum mg-prozess

Infoladen Salzburg

Infoladen Treibsand